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OC Orthopedic and Sports Acupuncture

Orange County, CA

Where East meets West in the treatment of pain and injury

Our goal at OC sports acupuncture is to integrate eastern and western medicine to improve function and provide natural pain relief for all levels of athletes. We work with athletes of all ages in various sports who are recovering from injuries and/or looking to enhance their performance. Our approach to treating pain and natural healing is based on orthopedic assessment, neurology, functional anatomy, and precise needling techniques.  This anatomically based acupuncture implements electro-acupuncture, motor point acupuncture, trigger point therapy and dry needling.  

We evaluate holistically and give a thorough assessment, diagnosis and treatment plan unique to each patient.  In addition, we work with patients recovering from surgery or managing chronic pain. We collaborate with medical doctors, physical therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, and personal trainers to optimize healing and full recovery.  Patients often find receiving acupuncture integrated with conventional medicine helps them heal faster.

Restoring function and eliminating pain is our goal

Here are some examples of common western diagnoses and structures that can be effectively treated with anatomical based acupuncture:

  • Foot and ankle pain:
    • achilles tendonitis, plantar fascitis, 1st MTP joint, lateral ankle sprain, morton’s neuroma.
  • Knee and lower leg pain:
    • osteoarthritis, patellar tendonitis, MCL/LCL ligament sprain, patella femoral dysfunction, pes anserine bursitis, IT-band syndrome, shin splints (anterior and medial)
  • Hip and thigh pain
    • Hip joint osteoarthritis, sacrotuberous ligament, hamstring strain, adductor strain
  • Low back pain
    • Quadratus lumborum, SI joint dysfunction
  • Shoulder pain
    • Rotator cuff tendonitis/strain, acromioclavicular (AC) joint, frozen shoulder, bicep tendontitis
  • Neck pain
    • Stiff neck (levator scapula)
  • Elbow and Wrist pain
    • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis), carpal tunnel syndrome, dequervian’s tenosynovitis,

“I have been going to Vince for many years, as a very active 65 year old he has been instrumental in maintaining my health so I can continue with my active lifestyle and play sports that I enjoy. He has helped me with knee, shoulder and an achilles tendon injury to name a few. Extremely knowledgeable and an incredible human being.”


OC Sports Acupuncture
South West Health Professional Center
1122 Bristol Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(949) 631-5226
Costa Mesa Hours
10am - 5pm
10am - 5pm
9am - 1pm
*By appointment only

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