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OC Orthopedic and Sports Acupuncture

Orange County, CA

Sports Medicine

What is Sports Medicine Acupuncture

Sports medicine acupuncture is a special form of treatment targeted for all levels of athletes. It has become a go to treatment for all types of injuries to help eliminate pain and speed up recovery. Repetitive use and overuse injuries are common amongst athletes as they often place themselves in vulnerable and accident prone situations. This can lead to a wide variety of injuries that limit their play and performance. Many professional sports teams are now utilizing acupuncture to help athletes with injury rehabilitation and recovery. 

Sports medicine acupuncture is anatomically based treatment to reduce pain and improve function. In addition, sports medicine acupuncture can help with the recovery phase of training which can involve muscle soreness, tension and fatigue. Many athletes report increased relaxation, improved sleep, and reduced mental and physical stress. 

Types of injuries sports medicine acupuncture can treat include: neck and low back tension, rotator cuff injuries, medial and lateral epicondylitis, wrist strains, knee injuries, ankle sprains, achilles tendonitis and many more.

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